Our Film Opening

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

HW2a - Existing Opening Sequence Analysis

Guardians of the Galaxy Opening Sequence Analysis

1) What is the film and film genre?

I have chosen Guardians of the Galaxy. This is a sci-fi action crossover which follows the 'Starlord' on his journey around the galaxy until he ultimately saves the galaxy.

2) Where does the story take place?

The story takes place on a seemingly desolate, barren planet somewhere in the galaxy. This is made apparent by the establishing shot at the beginning of the sequence. However, as we follow 'Starlord' we see that there is much more to the planet than meets the eye. His high tech laser shows what seems to be the past, and it shows a vibrant community that is busy and full of life. Later on in the sequence we see what seems to be ruins and withing the ruins a mysterious orb that looks very valuable. Finally, we also briefly see a spaceship suggesting that this story takes place across the entire galaxy rather than just this mysterious planet.

3) What happens in the sequence? How significant to the story telling is the order of events?

The sequence starts with an establishing shot of the planet and then the camera tracks 'Starlord' as he journeys across the planet. We then see a hologram of what the ruins once looked like - full of people and life. 'Starlord' then enters the ruins and proceeds to take off his mask at which point we see he is acted by Chris Pratt. Chris then puts on headphones and starts dancing his way through the ruins, in which we see many monsters and skeletons. The sequence ends with Chris Pratt opening the doors and entering a room with a very mystical, precious looking orb. All the sound in the sequence is diagetic. The order of events is significant to the storytelling as the order allows the audience to understand whats going on and therefore understand the story. For example, if you were to watch the sequence backwards it would be very unclear what is going on.

4) Do events link to each other or are they distinct, unconnected events?

All the events link to each other very well. This is because the camera follows Chris Pratt's journey across the planet and through the ruins making the audience a bystander in the sequence, The sequence used some master shots as well to show how individual scenes within the same setting linked to each thus improving the flow. Finally, to further prevent the situation of unconnected events no rules such as the 30 degree rule were broken in this sequence.

5) Which characters are introduced and what are their roles in the film?

Only the main character of Chris Pratt acting as 'Starlord' is introduced in the opening sequence. From the fact that we only see him and we follow him it is clear that he acts as the role of the protagonist. 

6) How much story information is revealed and how is it revealed to the audience? What is deliberately withheld?

Next to information is revealed. All the audience learn is who the main character is, the setting of the film and the sci-fi genre of the film. The main character is revealed by how the camera follows 'Starlord' and how he is the only person shown in the opening sequence. The setting is revealed through establishing shots of the planet and ruins. The genre is revealed through the spaceship and the high tech laser 'Starlord' uses to view the past. Nothing is revealed with regards to why 'Starlord' is there, who he is and the film plot. This is to create anticipation and keep the audience in suspense thus keeping them engaged.

7) What do you think the audience needs to know at the start of the film?

I think the audience need to know three things at the start of the film - the main character, where the film is set and the film genre. I believe they should know this as in this way they will become involved and invested into the film and want to watch it, but at the same time not too much is revealed and the audience will still be kept engaged through anticipation and suspense.

1 comment:

  1. You have written two pieces of excellent analysis. Both your film still and opening sequence show very good understanding of genre and narrative and you have included plenty of technical terminology. Keep up this high standard!
